Post 68 member dues are $50.00 / year
(as of 1 July 2023 dues were increased to $50/year from $40)
A new dues collection year begins on 1 July of each year
Any member who has not paid their upcoming year dues will be considered expired as of 1 January of each year
Post 68 allows members to pay their dues in one of 3 ways:
#1 | Pay in Person at meetings | This is the preferred method. Members come to meetings and bring a check or cash to pay their dues. The membership chair will accept your dues and provide you with a new ID card. This method saves Post 68 $$ as we don't have to pay for postage to mail you your ID card |
#2 | Pay your dues ONLINE |
Once you pay your dues online using a webpage from National HQ, you can print off your ID card. You can also get it from the Post Adjutant. Each quarter, the Post receives a check for all members who have paid online over the past months. |
#3 | Pay your dues by mail |
All members (except PUFL members) will receive a renewal notice in the mail from American Legion Headquarters. That notice has a receipt and envelope you can drop in the mail that comes to our Post PO box. The Adjutant will receive your letter, mark you as paid, and mail you a new ID card. Our mailing address is: American Legion Post 68 Please note: This is the least desirable method as it produces the most work by Post personnel to pick up the mail, process an envelope, apply postage, and mail. Many steps are involved. If at all possible, we ask you to pay your dues in-person at a Post meeting. |